If it wasn’t for Tagan…
I'm so sorry to hear about Tagan. I heard from Mike Perente who used to work in the Wolfe lab that you were looking for stories about Tagan. Hope this puts a smile on your face.
When Tagan was leaving the Wolfe lab, he came by our lab with things that he was trying to get rid of from his desk. One of those items was a fart bomb. I thought... what on earth am I going to do with this?! Well, I brought it home and this more than delighted by husband and two young daughters at that time. I figured at some point we would explode this thing outside. That night, we went out to dinner at Friendly's and to my horror, my husband pulled out the fart bomb. Before I could say anything, he squeezes it, and it lets out the worst smell you can imagine. My daughters and husband are hysterical laughing (as are some of the young waitstaff). In that moment I was less thrilled which only increased their laughter. As time passed, still to this day, we all laugh about this night. Even I can laugh about it now and it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Tagan.
Elizabeth Krizman
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